Каталог АиРЭО



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Лучшее предложение

Honeywell Bendix/King ART-2000


Популярные модели

KANNAD Kannad 406 ATP
Honeywell Bendix/King MARK VIII
Air Precision ELT-96/97
Honeywell Bendix/King KN-63
Honeywell Bendix/King ANT-67A
Honeywell Bendix/King CAS67A
Honeywell Bendix/King RESCU 406 S
ACR Electronics AeroFix 406
Honeywell Bendix/King DA-1203A
Thuraya Hughes 7100

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Эксплуатация, продажа и аренда воздушных судов. Самолеты Ан-24, Ан-26, Ан-26Б-100. Приобретение и продажа запасных частей к самолетом Российского производства.

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Объединенные Арабские Эмираты
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тел.: +971 5 03002094

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Каталог АиРЭОLightning DetectionSystems

Strike Finder System

Strike Finder Jet System

Strike Finder Jet System

Производитель: Insight


  • Display Overview of Controls and Indicators
  • 30-degree Azimuth Marker - helps with identifying the location of thunderstorms relative to the aircraft's intended track.
  • Outer Range Ring - is the outer boundary of viewable Strike Data within the selected range. (ex: 200 nm, 100 nm, 50 nm, 25nm)
  • Half Range Ring - is half the distance from the aircraft to the Outer Range Ring, for the selected range.
  • Strike Data - is plotted on the display as bright orange dots to indicate the location, range and severity of detected lightning activity.
  • Range Indicators - are used to show the current viewing range selected. They indicate the distance from the aircraft to the Outer Range Ring.
  • Range Cursor - highlights one of the four Range Indicators to show selected range view. (defaults to 200 nm).
  • Alphanumeric Indicator - appears as large digits in the lower left quadrant of the display. Provides readout of range selection, Time Travel function and troubleshooting codes.
  • Aircraft Symbol - represents your aircraft. You are here.
  • Gas Plasma Display - consists of a 2.5-inch diameter viewable area. It displays Strike Data and status messages with bright orange dots against a black background.
  • Automatic Test Status Annunciator - appears in the center of the display as a "Walking Dot", which moves in a clockwise direction. The presence of this dot means the STRIKE FINDER® has successfully passed all automatic diagnostic tests.
  • Zoom-In/Zoom-Out Buttons - permit the operator to step through the range selections (25-50-100 & 200 nm), smoothly altering the distances viewed on the display.
  • Time Travel Buttons - allows the pilot to display recent strike data history-compressing about one hour of storm activity into a one minute presentation.
  • Clear Display Button - clears the display of all dots but does not erase the strike data history employed by the Time Travel function.


Чертежный номерОписание
2000J-009 Strike Finder Jet System with Round Display.
2000J-026 Strike Finder Jet System with 3ATI Display.
2000J-027 Strike Finder Jet System with 3ATI Display for front mounting w/clamp.
2000J/G-009 Strike Finder Jet System with Round Display and Gyro Heading Stabilization Unit.
2000J/G-026 Strike Finder Jet System with 3ATI Display and Gyro Heading Stabilization Unit.
2000J/G-027 Strike Finder Jet System with 3ATI Display (w/clamp) and Gyro Heading Stabilization Unit.
2000J/G/L-009 Strike Finder Jet System with Round Display and Gyro Heading Stabilization Unit.
2000J/G/L-026 Strike Finder Jet System with 3ATI Display and Gyro Heading Stabilization Unit.
2000J/G/L-027 Strike Finder Jet System with 3ATI Display (w/clamp) and Gyro Heading Stabilization Unit.
2000L-009 Strike Finder Standard System with Round Display
2000L-026 Strike Finder Standard System with 3ATI Display
2000L-027 Strike Finder Standard System with 3ATI Display w/clamp.
2000LG-009 Strike Finder Standard System with Round Display and Gyro Heading Stabilization Unit.
2000LG-026 Strike Finder Standard System with 3ATI Display and Gyro Heading Stabilization Unit.
2000LG-027 Strike Finder Standard System with 3ATI Display (w/clamp) and Gyro Heading Stabilization Unit.

Просмотров: 4243

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