TCAS I Control
Brand: Honeywell Bendix/King
* Digial control that provides control of CAS-66A TCAS I System
* Interfaces various external discrete inputs and supplies ARINC 429 and control signals necessary for operation of TCAS I system
* DZUS mounted
* Range control (RNG) to select range on traffic display (in nautical miles) - certain versions, see table below
* Flight Level (FL) control repalces intruder's relative altitude with absolute altitude in flight level format for 15 seconds
* ABOVE/NORMAL/BELOW control selects altitude display limits
* Test (TST) switch initiates comprehensive system self test lasting approximately 12 seconds
* Standy (SBY) control places TCAS in standby
* Power (PWR) control turns system ON or OFF
* Traffic/Weather (T/WX) switch is used installations with radar indicators acting as traffic display to switch between Weather Only (WX), Weather with Traffic Overlaid (T/Wx) and Traffic Only (TCAS) modes - certain versions, see table below
* AUTO/MANUAL switch is used in EFIS installations to control TCAS display on an MFD - certain versions, see table below
* AUTO mode automatically displays available traffic on MFD
* MANUAL mode displays available traffic only when TCAS is selected on EFIS controller
* Lamps can be powered by either 5V or 28VDC
* Black or gray bezel (see table below)
* Dimming annunciator (see table below)
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