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Honeywell Bendix/King DA-1203A
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Каталог АиРЭОELTTransmitters

Kannad 406 AF

ELT Transmitter

ELT Transmitter

Производитель: KANNAD

Specialist in pinpointing distresses by satellite and number one in 406 MHz maritime Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs), SERPE-IESM extends its range of ELTs with the KANNAD 406 AF, Automatic Fixed Emergency Locator Transmitter.

The KANNAD 406 AF is designed to be installed near the tail and to be connected to an outside antenna. A sophisticated "shock sensor" will activate the ELT automatically in the event of a crash.

Its small size and light weight make it ideal for general aviation.

This new generation of ELT offers all the latest improvements of the COSPAS-SARSAT system with the 406 MHz frequency at a price slightly over that of conventional two frequency ELTs :

  • Global coverage
  • Precise pinpointing (<1NM)
  • Identification of the aircraft in distress (the ELT
  • transmits a unique aircraft identification number)
  • Efficient process of false alarms to avoid costly search and rescue operations
  • A remote control panel (on option) located in the cockpit allows manual activation and the self test of various operating parameters.

A buzzer integrated to the ELT warns the pilot should an activation occur.

The KANNAD 406 AF is programmed with either the aircraft tail number, a serial number or the aircraft operator designator. As the ELT does not need to be opened, this operation only takes a few minutes and can be carried out inside the aircraft. Programming can also be done automatically by plugging a connector to the ELT front panel ("Dongle").

A GPS or ARINC 429 interface can be added to load the position of the aircraft in the ELT. In case of activation, the position is transmitted to the COSPAS-SARSAT LEO and GEO satellites. Not only have the SAR organisations the aircraft identification, but they also have its precise position instantly.

Maintenance is limited to a monthly " self test " and the lamp flashing sequence indicates the test result :

  • Short flashes indicate that the ELT has detected a problem (low RF power, low battery, faulty VCO lock...).
  • One long flash indicates good operation.
  • Battery replacement is only necessary every 6 years thanks to LiMnO2 technology. This represents a considerable improvement over standard generation ELTs with battery replacement necessary every year or every two years. It should be pointed out that the technology used is proven non hazardous for aircraft transportation.

SERPE-IESM recommends a complete check up every 2 years unless otherwise legislated by national authorities.

The KANNAD 406 AF is qualified by the French Civil Aviation in compliance with EUROCAE ED62 standard and by FAA with TSO-C91a and TSO-C126.


121.5 / 243.0 MHz Transmitter

  • Frequencies:121.5 MHz +/- 6 kHz, 243.0 MHz +/- 12 kHz
  • Output power:20 dBm to 26 dBm for each frequency
  • Duty cycle:Continuous expect during 406 transmission (500 ms every 50s)
  • Modulation type:3K20A3N
  • Modulation rate:> 85 %
  • Modulation signal:Decreasing sweep from 1420 Hz to 490 Hz
  • Repetition rate:3 Hz
  • Autonomy:Over 48 hours at -20°C

406.025 MHz Transmitter

  • Frequencies:406.025 MHz +/-2 kHz
  • Output power:37 dBm +/- 2 dB
  • Data encoding:Biphase L
  • Transmission duration:440 ms (short message) every 50 sec Compatible with long message transmission (520 ms)
  • Repetition rate:47.5 to 52.5s
  • Speed of transmission:400 BPS +/-1%
  • Frame synchronisation:0 0001 1111 0 1101 0000 (during self test)
  • Autonomy:Over 24 hours at -20°C


  • Transmitter power supply:3 x LiMnO2 D type cells
  • IATA certification for "Transportation as non hazardous goods ":YES
  • Replacement:Every 6 years

Crash sensor (G-switch)

  • Type:Mechanical
  • Manufacturer:AERODYNE CONTROLS Corp
  • Reference:8316-1-000
  • Relevant specifications:EUROCAE ED62
  • Threshold:4.5 ft/s ± 0.5


  • Material:Plastic ASA-PC
  • Treatment:Light yellow colour compound (RAL 1018), Fire classification M0
  • Transmitter dimensions:172 mm x 82 mm x 82 mm, 6.8" x 3.2" x 3.2"
  • Overall dimensions (max):181 mm x 100 mm x 95 mm, 7.1" x 3.9" x 3.8"
  • Weight (incl. bracket, batteries):Typical 1110 g 2.45 lbs., Max 1180 g 2.60 lbs.
  • Tightness:2 toric gaskets

Enviromental Characteristics

  • Storage temperature:-55°C to +85°C
  • Operating temperature:-20°C to +55°C
  • Flame:AVGAS flame / 2 minutes
  • Altitude:55 000 ft
  • Vibrations:DO160C / ED14C Category YLM/C
  • Shock:500 G for 4 ms
  • Crashworthiness:100 G for 13 ms
  • Penetrator drop:25 Kg from 20 cm
  • Crush test:450 Kg / 5 min
  • Explosion:DO160C / ED14C Category A
  • Waterproofness:DO160C / ED14C Category W
  • Magnetic effect:DO160C / ED14C Category Z
  • Induced signal susceptibility:DO160C / ED14C Category Z
  • Radiofrequency susceptibility:In compliance with ED 62 § 4.4.10
  • Radiofrequency emission:DO160C / ED14C Category B


Чертежный номерОписание
S1821502-01 transmitter
S1820511-01 mounting bracket

Просмотров: 9221

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