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Artex C406-2


Популярные модели

KANNAD Kannad 406 ATP
Honeywell Bendix/King MARK VIII
Air Precision ELT-96/97
Honeywell Bendix/King KN-63
Honeywell Bendix/King ANT-67A
Honeywell Bendix/King RESCU 406 S
Honeywell Bendix/King CAS67A
ACR Electronics AeroFix 406
Honeywell Bendix/King DA-1203A
Thuraya Hughes 7100

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Каталог АиРЭОELTTransmitters

Kannad 406 AS

ELT Transmitter

ELT Transmitter

Производитель: KANNAD

Specialist in pinpointing distresses by satellite and number one in 406 MHz maritime Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs), SERPE-IESM extends its range of ELTs with the KANNAD 406 AS.

The KANNAD 406 AS is an aeronautical survival beacon designed for liferafts .

This new generation of ELT complies with the latest regulation and offers all the improvements of the COSPAS-SARSAT system with the 406 MHz frequency :

  • Global coverage
  • Precise pinpointing (<1NM)
  • Identification of the aircraft in distress (the ELT transmits a unique aircraft identification number)
  • Efficient process of false alarms to avoid costly search and rescue operations

Thanks to its small size and light weight, the KANNAD 406 AS fits easily inside a liferaft. It is supplied with a floating collar and a carry off bag.

A flashing lamp and a buzzer indicate activation.

The ELT is programmed with either the aircraft tail number, a serial number or the aircraft operator designator. This operation takes only a few seconds with one of the equipments developed by SERPE-IESM.

An integrated "self test" checks the main functions of the beacon. The test result is given by the LED flashing sequence :

  • Short flashes indicate that the ELT has detected a problem (low RF power, low battery, faulty VCO lock...).
  • One long flash indicates good operation.

Battery replacement is only necessary every 6 years thanks to LiMnO2 technology. It should be pointed out that this technology is proven non hazardous for aircraft transportation. This represents a considerable improvement over standard generation ELTs with battery replacement necessary every year or every two years.

SERPE-IESM recommends a complete check up every 2 years unless otherwise legislated by national authorities.

The KANNAD 406 AS is qualified by the French Civil Aviation in compliance with EUROCAE ED62 standard and by FAA with TSO-C91a and TSO-C126 applied to "survival" beacons


121.5 / 243.0 MHz Transmitter

  • Frequencies:121.5 MHz +/- 6 kHz, 243.0 MHz +/- 12 kHz
  • Output power:20 dBm to 26 dBm for each frequency
  • Duty cycle:Continuous expect during 406 transmission (500 ms every 50s)
  • Modulation type:3K20A3N
  • Modulation rate:> 85 %
  • Modulation signal:Decreasing sweep from 1420 Hz to 490 Hz
  • Repetition rate:3 Hz
  • Autonomy:Over 48 hours at -20°C

406.025 MHz Transmitter

  • Frequencies:406.025 MHz +/-2 kHz
  • Output power:37 dBm +/- 2 dB
  • Data encoding:Biphase L
  • Transmission duration:440 ms (short message) every 50 sec, Compatible with long message transmission (520 ms)
  • Repetition rate:47.5 to 52.5s
  • Speed of transmission:400 BPS +/-1%
  • Frame synchronisation:0 0001 1111, 0 1101 0000 (during self test)
  • Autonomy:Over 24 hours at -20°C


  • P/N:S18 20 506 - XX
  • Transmitter power supply:3 x LiMnO2 D type cells
  • IATA certification for "Transportation as non hazardous goods ":YES
  • Replacement:Every 6 years

Auxiliary antenna

  • Type:Whip
  • Length:43 cm (17")
  • Connector type:BNC
  • Frequencies:121.5 / 243 / 406 MHz
  • Radiation pattern:wave in VHF / wave in UHF


  • Material:Plastic ASA-PC
  • Treatment:Light yellow colour compound (RAL 1018), Fire classification M0
  • Transmitter dimensions:172 mm x 82 mm x 82 mm, 6.8" x 3.2" x 3.2"
  • Overall dimensions (max. with auxiliary antenna deployed):590 mm x 160 mm x 160 mm, 23.2" x 6.3" x 6.3"
  • Packed dimensions :290 mm x 165 mm x 165 mm, 11.4" x 6.5 " x 6.5"
  • Weight (incl. Auxiliary antenna, floating collar and batteries):Typical 1180 g 2.54 lbs., Max 1250 g 2.75 lbs.
  • Tightness:2 toric gaskets
  • Flotation:Yellow foam 160mm (± 5mm)

Environmental characteristics

  • Storage temperature:-55°C to +85°C
  • Operating temperature:-20°C to +55°C
  • Flame:AVGAS flame / 2 minutes
  • Altitude:55 000 ft
  • Vibrations:DO160C / ED14C Category YLM/C
  • Shock:50 G for 11 ms tested at 500 G for 4 ms
  • Crashworthiness:tested at 100 G for 13 ms
  • Penetrator drop:25 Kg from 20 cm
  • Crush test:450 Kg / 5 min
  • Explosion:DO160C / ED14C Category A
  • Waterproofness:DO160C / ED14C Category W
  • Magnetic effect:DO160C / ED14C Category Z
  • Induced signal susceptibility:DO160C / ED14C Category Z
  • Radiofrequency susceptibility:In compliance with ED 62 § 4.4.10
  • Radiofrequency emission:DO160C / ED14C Category B


Чертежный номерОписание
S1823502-01 transmitter, auxiliary antenna and carry off bag

Просмотров: 8208

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