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Лучшее предложение

Garmin GPSMAP 396


Популярные модели

KANNAD Kannad 406 ATP
Honeywell Bendix/King MARK VIII
Air Precision ELT-96/97
Honeywell Bendix/King KN-63
Honeywell Bendix/King ANT-67A
Honeywell Bendix/King RESCU 406 S
Honeywell Bendix/King CAS67A
ACR Electronics AeroFix 406
Honeywell Bendix/King DA-1203A
Thuraya Hughes 7100

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Каталог АиРЭОHandheld GPSUnits


Handheld GPS

Handheld GPS

Производитель: Garmin

The GPSMAP296 builds on the tradition of Garmin aviation handhelds like the GPSMAP196 and GPSMAP295. New features like terrain cautions and alerts, sectional chart-like topographic data, and a transparent navigation arc view for course, speed, and distance information lead the list of advances. The GPSMAP296 also features USB data transfer, faster processing speed, and a rechargeable lithium-ion battery pack. Press a button, and you have your choice of the unit\'s automotive or marine modes.An automatic logbook also calculates your flight time and automatically records departure and arrival locations. When used with Garmin\'s free logbook software - FlightBook — this feature makes light work of maintaining your logbook. Your flight information will be stored in the unit and can be downloaded to this exclusive Flightbook software at any time. Garmin delivers terrain awareness in an intuitive Terrain mode on the GPSMAP 296. The unit combines GPS position, GPS altitude and topographical mapping to give pilots a vivid depiction of potential terrain hazards.


  • Includes all the features and performance of the GPSMAP 295 and GPSMAP 196
  • Bright 256-color LCD screen
  • Internal topographic database providing visual terrain awareness
  • Comprehensive sectional chart type map display
  • Jeppensen database including navaids, terrain, airports, SUAs, frequencies, obstructions and more
  • Includes pop-up terrain alert screen when terrain is in proximity in comparison to GPS altitude
  • WAAS-enabled 12 channel GPS receiver
  • 200-MHz processor for fast redraw and routing
  • Rechargeable lithium battery offers 5-15 hours of use
  • 15/11 (text/voice) languages
  • Voice prompt guidance when the 12-volt / speaker cable is connected
  • Optional Auto Kit available for vehicular use (i.e. street level mapping and guidance via Mapsource data) - $295 additional Automotive mode Provides automatic route generation, turn-by-turn guidance, and voice prompts, plus a built-in worldwide database of borders and major cities
  • Optional Auto Kit includes two mounts, a cigarette-lighter adapter with speaker output, a 128-MB data card, and a MapSource® City Select® CD-ROM for detailed mapping and address lookup capabilities
  • Marine mode features a worldwide marine database and U.S. tide data
  • When coupled with the optional Marine Kit (64-MB data card and MapSource BlueChart® CD-ROM), unit displays such information as depth contours, inter-tidal zones, spot soundings, wrecks, navaids, port plans, restricted areas, cable areas, anchorages, and much more
  • Stores up to 3000 waypoints with 50 reversible routes (1200 waypoints per route)
  • 10,000 point automatic track log with 15 saved tracks
  • Adjustable quad helix receiving antenna with remote antenna capability
  • Sserial, USB, and NMEA outputs
  • Standard package includes yoke mount, dash mount, PC interface cable, cigarette lighter adapter, GA-26C remote antenna w/suction cup mount, owner\'s manual, quick reference guide, and carrying case


  • Size: 5.7\"W x 3.2\"H x 1.9\"D
  • Weight: 1.5 lbs with batteries
  • Display Size: 3.8-inch diagonal, 480 x 320 pixels
  • Battery Life: 5-15 hours via rechargeable lithium battery offers 5-15 hours
  • Receiver: WAAS-enabled, 12 parallel channel
  • Waypoints: Stores up to 3000 waypoints with 50 reversible routes - 1200 waypoints per route


Чертежный номерОписание
010-00356-00 Handheld GPS (Americas Database)
010-00356-01 Handheld GPS (Atlantic Database)
010-00356-02 Handheld GPS (Pacific Database)

Просмотров: 8732

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