Эксплуатация, продажа и аренда воздушных судов. Самолеты Ан-24, Ан-26, Ан-26Б-100. Приобретение и продажа запасных частей к самолетом Российского производства.
ТРАСТ АэроСуперМаркет - электронная доска бесплатных объявлений авиационной тематики, место, где каждый желающий может вывесить свое объявление, а все посетители этой доски - прочитать его.
Головной Офис Объединенные Арабские Эмираты Международный Аэропорт Шарджа
тел.: +971 6 5570710
факс: +971 6 5570495
По вопросам продаж:
Proline II Navigation Receiver including fully digital VOR/LOC, glideslope, and marker beacon receivers
Provides serial-digital I/O interface and features digital signal processing for improved performance
Accepts conventional 2-out-of-5 tuning and provides conventional sine/cosine outputs
May be installed as a direct replacement for Proline I VIR-30A
Models and modification available for units to meet ICAO Annex 10 which reduces interference by high-power FM broadcast radio stations (see table below)
VOR/LOC Frequency Range: VOR- 108.00 to 117.95 MHz. LOC- 108.10 to 111.95 MHz
VOR/LOC Sensitivity: (aural) 3uV for 10dB; (flag) 2.8uV for flag out-of-view
VOR/LOC Spurious Responses: At least 70dB below desired response
VOR/LOC Analog Output: OBI sine/cosine; capable of driving three RMI pointers
VOR/LOC Deviation: Output capable of driving one to five loads, 1000 ohm each, without external strapping. Deviation sensitivity in VOR, 150 mV for 10 deg; in LOC, 90 mV for 0.093 DDM. VOR deviation accuracy +-0.75 deg; LOC deviation centering accuracy +-4.0 mV dc. Polarity VOR, positive deviation for airplane left of course; LOC, positive deviation for 90 Hz > 150 Hz
VOR/LOC Flag: (low level) output capable of driving one to five loads, 1000 ohm each. Output 1.0 to 1.9 V dc, current limit 10 mA
VOR/LOC RNAV: Output is a buffered VOR/LOC detector output adjusted nominally for 0.5 Vrms with standard VOR signal input
GS Channel Spacing: 150 kHz
GS Selectivity: 6 dB at +-25.5 kHz min; 60 dB at +-160 kHz max
GS Deviation Output: Capable of driving one to five 100ohm loads. 78 mV for 0.091 DDM, max output is +-0.35Vdc. Polarity positive down for 90 Hz > 150 Hz
GS Superflag: (high level) Nominal output is +26 Vdc, current limited to 250 mA for a valid input signal
MB Sensitivity: High sens 200 uV +-6dB; Low sens 1500 uV +-6dB
MB Lamp Output: Capable of driving dual 3-lamp load, 6.3V lamps at 200 mA or less per blub on each bulb
Frequency control: CSDB serial data or ARINC 2-out-of-5
VOR/LOC Channel Spacing: 50 kHz
VOR/LOC Selectivity: 6dB +-15 kHz min; 60dB +-41 kHz max
VOR/LOC Audio Output: 100mW nom into 600 ohm load with 30% modulation, at least 1000Hz
VOR/LOC OBS Resolver: Provides HSI course resolver signals. Outputs ac signals on OBS E and F. HSI return ac signals on OBS A and B. OBS G,C, and D connected to internal common
VOR TO/FROM: Output capable of driving one to three loads, 200 ohm each. Drive level TO +80 to +165 mV. Drive level FROM -80 to -165 mV
VOR/LOC Superflag: Nominal output +26Vdc, min output 12.0 Vdc at 250 mA with input power at +16 Vdc
GS Frequency Range: 329.15 to 335.00 MHz
GS Sensitivity: 5 uV for flag out-of-view
GS Spurious Response: -60 dB
GS Flag: (low level) +1.0 to +1.9 Vdc for flag out-of-view, current limited to 10mA; capable of driving one to five 1000 ohm loads
MB Frequency: 75.00 MHz
MB Selectivity: 6dB at +-16 kHz min; 60dB at +-170 kHz max
MB Hi/Lo Strap: Used when parallel control is selected