Эксплуатация, продажа и аренда воздушных судов. Самолеты Ан-24, Ан-26, Ан-26Б-100. Приобретение и продажа запасных частей к самолетом Российского производства.
ТРАСТ АэроСуперМаркет - электронная доска бесплатных объявлений авиационной тематики, место, где каждый желающий может вывесить свое объявление, а все посетители этой доски - прочитать его.
Головной Офис Объединенные Арабские Эмираты Международный Аэропорт Шарджа
тел.: +971 6 5570710
факс: +971 6 5570495
По вопросам продаж:
Intersections: Identifier, country, lat/lon, nearest VOR
Frequencies: Approach, arrival, control area, departure, Class B, Class C, TMA, TRSA (with sector, altitude, and text usage), ASOS, ATIS, AWOS, center clearance delivery, tower, ground, unicom, pre-taxi, localizer, and ILS
Runways: Designation, length, width, surface, lighting, pilot-controlled lighting frequency
FSS: Identifier, reference VOR, frequency, usage
ARTCC: Identifier, frequency, usage
MSA: Minimum safe altitude along and in proximity to active flight plan
Approaches: Non-precision and precision approaches throughout the database coverage
SIDs/STARs: Contains all pilot/nav SIDs/STARs
Airspaces: Class B & C with sectors, International CTA & TMA with sectors, all SUAs, including MOAs, prohibited and restricted areas with controlling agency and airport
Safety Features
Emergency Search: 9 nearest airports, VORs, NDBs, intersections, or user waypoints; 2 nearest FSS and ARTCC frequencies
Alarms: Arrival and CDI, timers, SUAs less than 10 min, 2NM and inside SUA
User Customization
Waypoints: 1,000 User Defined
Flight Plans: 20 reversible routes of up to 31 waypoints each
GPS: TSO C129a, Class A1 (en route, terminal, and approach)
GS: TSO C34e
VHF COM: TSO C37d, Class 4 and 6 (transmit) and TSO C38d, Class C and E (receiver)
GPS Performance
Receiver: twelve parallel channel receiver simultaneously tracks and uses up to 12 satellites
Accuracy: Position 15 meters (49 feet) RMS*, 1-5 meters with differential corrections Velocity 0.1 knot RMS steady state
Dynamics: Velocity 999 knots Acceleration 6g's
Nav Features: Pilot-defined Course Selection and Waypoint Hold, Closest Point of Approach, Departure and Arrival Frequencies, Approach Navigation using published approach procedures stored on NavData card, Terminal Navigation using SIDs/STARs from NavData card
Planning Features: True Airspeed, Density Altitude, Winds Aloft, RAIM Availability, Sunrise/Sunset Times, Trip and Fuel Planning, Vertical Navigation (VNAV)
Audio Output: 100 mW (minimum) into a 500 ohm load; External speaker amplifier required
GPS: TSO C129a A1
GS: TSO C34e
VHF COM: TSO C37d, Class 4 and 6 (transmit) and TSO C38d, Class C and E (receive)
Physical Specifications
Unit Size: Width = 6.25"; Height = 4.30"; Depth = 11.00" behind panel, with connectors
Unit Weight: 7.0 pounds installed
Display: Color LCD
Power: 27.5 VDC
Data Storage: Separate internal battery protects stored data for up to five years
Temperature: -20°C to +55°C (operating range); -20°C to +70°C (short-term operation)
Humidity: 95% non-condensing
Altitude Range: -1,500 ft to 50,000 ft
Чертежный номер
GPS System (Black Faceplate). WAAS upgradeable IFR GPS/Comm/VOR/LOC & glideslope with 5 color display. Available with Americas or International datacard (Worldwide available at additional charge)