Radar Altimeter R/T
Brand: Honeywell Bendix/King
* Radar altimeter transceiver utilized in AA-300 Radio Altimeter System
* Used to measure the altitude Above Ground Level (AGL)
* Can be hard mounted toaircraft or mounted in shock isloated tray
* Precision altitude output used to drive primary radio altitude display in up to five RA-315 or RA-335 indicator or EFIS displays
* Auxiliary altitude putput is ARINC 552 signal used to drive rising runway bar in any Honeywell Altitude Director Indicator
* In -9X1/-9X3/-9X4/-9X5 units, auxiliary output is limited to 0-500 foot range
* In -9X2/-9X6/-9X7/-9X8 units, auxiliary output is full scale ARINC 552 (0-2500 feet)
* Four trip point outputs available that provide a ground when system determines it is at or below the altitude associated with trip point
* Pilot Activated Self Test (PAST) input available to verify system operation
* Two separate inputs provided to inhibit self-test operation and may be used to prevent self-test when aircraft flight control system is engaged
* Valid output signifies system status and separate logic output indicates when unit is tracking return signal
* -91X,-92X, and -93X units have incorporated products improvements to improve ability to popeate in condition of excessive antenna leakage and interference signals
* -93X units have improved HIRF immunity by way of added filtered connector to provide more RF filtering
* -90X models out of production
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