Brand: Honeywell Bendix/King
The MK-VI version of Honeywell's EGPWS has been optimized for regional aircraft and provides protection against controlled flight into terrain (CFIT). CFIT warnings include excessive rate of descent, terrain closure rate, excessive altitude loss after takeoff or missed approach procedure, insufficient terrain clearance, descent below glideslope, an excessive bank angle. It also provides callouts at 500 feet, 200 feet and minimums during approach. (Note: No windshear information is provided by the Mark VI.) Once in use, customers receive free database updates, as they become available.
* Basic Ground ProximityWarning
* Altitude Awareness Callouts
* Excessive Bank Angle Alert
* Enhanced features, Terrain and Obstacle Awareness alerts and warnings as well as optional display of this information, “Peaks” mode, and Terrain Clearance Floor.
* WS Detection and Alerting (limited application).
* Input signal processing (including filtering and signal monitoring).
* Alert output processing (including alert prioritization, voice message synthesis, audio output and display and caution or warning lamp drivers)
* Built In Test and monitoring including cockpit-activated self test.
* PCMCIA interface for uploading software and databases (using a Smart Cable).
* Front panel maintenance test connector for system checkout and troubleshooting.
* System status LED’s located on the LRU front panel to indicate external fault, computer O.K. and computer fail conditions.
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