3-Piece Color Weather Radar System
Brand: Honeywell Bendix/King
* 3-piece Color Weather and Search & Rescue Radar System consisting of IN-2025B indicator, RT-1401B (-0105) R/T, and DA-1203A Antenna
* Weather detection system with 240-nm maximum display range
* Two close-up modes permit selection of full-scale ranges of wither 1 nm or .5 nm enhancing safety and precision of movement for clear, detailed close-ups
* Target Alert feature flashes a warning whenever third-level (red) weather areas are detected up to 25 nm beyond selected range
* Provides three specialized search modes:
* - Search 1 incorporates special sea clutter rejection circuitry to detect small boats or buoys down to a min range of 300 yards
* - Search 2 is designed for precision ground mapping where high target resolution is important
* - Search 3 includes normal ground mapping which can also be used to detect and track sea-surface phenomena such as oil slicks
* Enables land or sea approaches in 200-foot ceiling, 1/2-mile visibility minimums due to its TSO C-102 compliance
* Beacon tracking mode permits operation with either current beacon codes or new DO-172/16 format
* Delivers 10 kW of power for small target detection
* When equipped with a graphics interface unit, the system can show target lat. and long. along with NAV sensor data on a moving map display when in BeaconTrac mode
* "OBS Trac" function provides course selection option for visual reference of selected heading through course bearing cursor
* Display Range/Marks: 0.5/0.125, 1.0/0.25, 2.0/0.5, 5.0/1.25, 10/2.5, 20/5, 40/10, 80/20, 160/40, 240/60 nm
* IN-2025A Indicator be used in RDR-1400C System if mods 13 & 15 are incorporated into unit
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