* Size: 6.352"W x 2.052"H x 10.380"L
* Applicable Documents (NAV LOC Converter): TSO C36e, RTCA DO-160B, RTCA DO-178A, RTCA DO-195
* Applicable Documents (COMM Receiver): TSO C38c, RTCA DO-160B, RTCA DO-186
* Temperature Range: -20 to +55C
* Power Output: 5 watts minimum
* Modulation: 70% modulation capability with 98% limiting. Less than 15% distortion at 70% modulation
* Harmonic Content: Greater than 60 dB down from carrier
* COMM Receiver Sensitivity: Two uv (hard) or less for 6 dB (S+N)/N with 1 kHz tone modulated 30%
* Frequency Tolerance (NAV): +-0.002% of assigned channel frequency and still meets bearing accuracy
* Receiver Selectivity (NAV): 6dB at 34.0kHz minimum; 60dB at 63.0kHz maximum
* LOC Centering Error: Two sigma limit +-9.9 uA as specified in RTCA DO-195
* Audio Response (NAV): Less than 6 dB variation from 350-2500Hz
* GS Channeling: Bendix/King 4x5 code provided for KN-73/75, KI-211/212/213/214, other GS channeling available using a KA-120 adapter
* Weight: 3.88 lbs.
* Applicable Documents (COMM Transmitter): TSO C37c, RTCA DO-160B, RTCA DO-186
* Applicable Documents (NAV VOR): TSO C40c, RTCA DO-160B, RTCA-178A, RTCA DO-196
* Altitude Range: Up to 50,000 ft.
* Frequency Tolerance: Within 0.002% of assigned channel frequency
* Sidetone Output: Adjustable up to 100 mW into 500ohm headphones
* Duty Cycle: 10% (0.5 minute on, 4.5 minutes off)
* Squelch: Automatic with manual disable
* VOR/LOC Sensitivity Falg sensitivity 2 uv (hard) or less on all channels
* VOR Course Accuracy Two sigma limit 3 deg. as specified in RTCA DO-196
* Audio Output (NAV) 100 mW into 500ohm minimum a 1 kHz tone modulated 30%
* DME Channeling: Serial DME channeling provided for KN-62/62A/63/64. Slip code and 2x5 DME channeling avialable using a KA-120 adapter
* VOR/LOC Composite Output Adustable 0.35Vrms LOC, 0.5Vrms VOR zero degree phased
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