Dual VOR Composite Converter
Brand: Honeywell Bendix/King
* Remote mounted single or dual NAV Converter
* Simulates Master DME Indicator
* Omnibearing, Localizer Deviation, Glideslope Deviation, and Marker Beacon output informatoion provided in ARINC 429 format by two 429 output ports
* Sine/Cosine OBI output and NAV Super Flag output drivers are provided by all versions
* Optional 3-Wire Synchro RMI driver available in units with XYZ RMI option
* Solid state design allows rigid mounting in any position
Following labels are transmitted on ARINC 429 transmitter ILS Mode:
* 173, BNR Data, Localizer Deviation
* 174, BNR Data, Glideslope Deviation
* 222, BNR Data, VOR Omnibearing/Marker
Following labels are transmitted on ARINC 429 transmitter VOR Mode:
* 222, BNR Data, VOR Omnibearing/Marker
Following labels are received on ARINC 429 receiver ILS Mode:
* 017, BCD Data, Selected Runway Heading
* 033, BCD Data, ILS Frequency
* 034, BCD Data, VOR/ILS Frequency
* 105, BNR Data, Selected Runway Heading
* 377, BCD Data, Equipment Hex ID Code
Following labels are received on ARINC 429 receiver VOR Mode:
* 024, BCD Data, Selected Course #1
* 027, BCD Data, Selected Course #2
* 034, BCD Data, VOR/ILS Frequency
* 100, BNR Data, Selected Course #1
* 110, BNR Data, Selected Course #2
* 377, BCD Data, Equipment Hex ID Code
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