GDL 69 helps you make informed, safer decisions based on the weather. With a subscription to XM WX Satellite Weather, GDL 69 brings continuous, detailed weather information to the 400 and 500 series navigators, G1000®, G900X™, G600™ and GMX 200™.
Data is provided through XM Satellite Radio's XM WX Weather Service using location-specific WxWorx information. XM's two powerful S-band geostationary satellites, positioned over the east and west coasts, deliver seamless, near real-time coverage at any altitude across the continental United States. The weather suite's high resolution color graphics provide detailed NEXRAD and METARs data, as well as current reports on precipitation, lightning, winds-aloft, echo tops, TFRs and more.
With an additional monthly service fee, GDL 69A delivers XM Satellite Radio to your aircraft. Enjoy a wide variety of continuous news, sports, music and entertainment programming anywhere nationwide. GDL 69A interfaces with your cockpit audio panel control to play through the aircraft’s audio system.