Mode S Transponder
Brand: Honeywell Bendix/King
* Remote mounted Mode S Transponder designed to fulfill role of airborne beacon equipment
* Designed TO MEET TSO C112 FAA specification for ATCRBS/Mode Select Airborne Transponder System
* Fully compatible with conventional Mode A and C transponder formats
* TCAS versions permit rapid transmission of compressed bursts of communications, enabling on-board processors to coordinate between TCAS-equipped aircraft
* Modem-like feature also permits exchange of other useful information such as weather forecasts, safety advisories and terminal data directly to pilot
* Contains automatic self-test
* Can be used with either panel-mount KFS-578A control unit with gas discharge display or DZUS-mount CTA-81A control unit with liquid crystal display (not applicable to -2001 and -2101 P/Ns)
* Both control units also serve as aircraft's TCAS controller
* Non TCAS or TCAS compatible versions available (see table below)
* Version available with remote IDENT features allowing for IDENT transmission from source other than control unit (see table below)
* Versions available with limited or full Built In Test Equipment fault annunciation [BITE]
* (see table below)
* Versions available with Limited Level 2 data link capability that supports TCAS only as defined by DO-181A MOPS (see table below)
* Versions available with Level 3 (Comm A/B and Comm C ELM) datalink and Flight ID reporting which also have seperate ADLP input/output ARINC 429 ports as defined by DO-181A MOPS and ARINC 718 (see table below)
* Versions available with Flight ID ARINC 429 input port as defined by DO-181A MOPS and ARINC 718 (see table below)
* Version available with burst tuning compatible with "burst mode" control word format where tuning data is transmitted only during tuning activity and not refreshed in between (see table below)
* Enhanced versions available to comply with Elementary and Enhanced Surveillance Mode S mandates (-2001/2101 versions)
* -0601, -1301, -1602 non-enhanced versions can be upgraded to -2101 version ($8000 est.)
* -2001 non-diversity unit can be upgraded to -2101 unit by the factory, Olathe facility or Toulouse France facility
* -2001 and -2101 P/Ns only compatible with PS-550 and PS-578 (KFS-578A replacement) which include Flight ID entry
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