•ADF Receiver
•2.0 MCU
•Member of the Pro Line 21 CNS family of products - featuring state-of-the-art digital signal processing technology, digital audio, a consolidated tuning/data/audio bus, comprehensive maintenance software and software data loading
•Pro Line 21 sets new standards for size, weight & power
•The Pro Line 21 product line is designed & tested to meet the more stringent DO-160D Change 1 environmental requirements for helicopters & composite body aircraft
•Maintains the same serial data and analog audio interfaces as the Pro Line II & 4 products - allowing minimum modification upgrades
•Includes ADF, glideslope, marker beacon functionality
•Provides the capability to determine direction to non-directional beacons or AM broadcast stations operating in the 190 to 1799, 2088 to 2094, 2179 to 2185 kHz frequency ranges when used in conjunction with the ANT-462 antenna system
•Utilizes advanced synthesizer and Digital Signal Processor (DSP) technology to convert the received RF signal to a base band digital signal
•ADF receiver determines the location of the radiation signal with respect to the aircraft body and provides this bearing on its digital output bus
•Receiver demodulates the AM signal and provides analog and digital output to the RIU-4000/4100 on the unit's high-speed ARINC 429 bus
•Receiver also provides a BFO function to generate a 1000 Hz audio tone for detection of unmodulated or continuous wave idents
•Extensive self-test and BITE capability allow detection of unit failures and ability to isolate the failure to the subassembly level
•Non-volatile memory allows storage of fault conditions as an aid in isolating intermittent failure conditions and to assist in shop level repair
•The fault information is output on the high-speed ARINC 429 bus along with the navigation information, digital audio and software data load capability
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