Multifunction Display System
Brand: Honeywell Bendix/King
* Multifunction Display System utilizing KMD-540Indicator
* Same as KMD-850 but does not include weather radar interface (note: adding KAC-501 radar module converts KMD-550 to 850)
* Easy joystick control and mutiple function keys used for operation (see panel key/control layout)
* Standard display capabilities include moving map via compatibe external GPS source and stormscope/lightning information
* Optional modules (i.e. KAC-501/502/503/504) can be insatlled to expand display capabilities when used with w/ compatible sensors (see below)
* Optional modules and compatible sensors expand unit to include traffic/TIS, terrain and datalink weather display/information
* Moving Map/GPS interface compatible with any GPS receivers that outputs RS-232 and ARINC 429 position information
* Can accept ARINC 429 FMS position input when KAC-504 module is installed into KMD unit
* Advanced features include NTSC-compatible video input port and simultaneous overlay from different sensors
* Capable of receiving magnetic heading from several sources such as synchro XYZ, FMS/HDG, traffic ARINC 429, WX-500 and airdata (note: KAC-504 module must be installed for XYZ heading to operate)
* Heading information used to correct difference between heading and track based display pages for overlay of flightplan info and other data
* Cartographic database presents information such as airports, VORs, SUA, rivers, roads, and more
* Can display holding patterns, procedure turns and DME arc when interfaced to KLN-94
* Wide viewing angle
* 2 year factory warranty
* Available with black, gray, or Silver Crown type bezel
* L3/Goodrich WX-500 (no interface modules required; interface is standard in KMD-540)
* L3/Goodrich WX-1000E (note: only functional if KAC-504 module installed and WX processor has ARINC 429 output - P/N 78-8060-6086-5 or 78-8060-6092-3)
Traffic - (KAC-504 optional module required in KMD-540):
* Bendix/King KTA-870
* Bendix/King KMH-880
* Bendix/King KT-73 TIS Unit (i.e. non-active "service" oriented traffic advisories)
* L3/Goodrich Skywatch 497
* L3/Goodrich Skywatch HP 899
* Ryan 9900BX
* Bendix/King CAS-66A TCAS I
* L3/Goodrich TCAS-791 TCAS I
* Bendix/King CAS-67A TCAS II (note: TPU-67A processor does not use KMD-540 as control head- consult TCAS manual)
* Honeywell CAS-81A TCAS II (note: TPU-81A processor does not use KMD-540 as control head- consult TCAS manual)
Terrain - (KAC-502 optional module required in KMD-540):
* Bendix/King KMH-880
* Bendix/King KGP-560 EGPWS
* Bendix/King KGP-860 EGPWS
* Honeywell Mark V EGPWS
* Honeywell Mark VI EGPWS
* Honeywell Mark VII EGPWS
* Honeywell Mark VIII EGPWS
* Honeywell Mark XXI EGPWS
* Honeywell Mark XXII EGPWS
Datalink Weather - (KAC-503 optional module required in KMD-540):
* KDR-510
* (Note: The KDR-510 is the only datalink weather system compatible with the KMD-540/550/850)
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