Remote mounted compass system consisting of KI-525A Pictorial Navigation Indicator, KG-102A Directional Gyro, KMT-112 Magnetic Azimuth Transmitter, KA-51A/B Slaving Accessory, and the KA-52 and KA-57 Autopilot Adapters, if required
The KI-525A provides a pictorial display of the horizontal navigation situation and also provides manual controls for course and heading datum selection
The KI-525A provides outputs for autopilot or flight director, VOR receivers, and additional compass loads
Magnetic Heading and course information from VOR/LOC, GPS, Loran, or RNAV is combined on the KI-525A
KI-525A includes dual glideslope pointers which are in view only during an ILS approach
KA-51B provides selectable "slaved gyro" or "free gyro" modes which makes manual slaving capablility available
KA-52 and KA-57 autopilot adapters are used to convert DC heading and course data signals into AC signals compatible with autopilots or flight director systems manufactured by other companies such as Century and Cessna
Compatible with all S-TEC autopilot models wihtout use of any adapters
KI-525A models available with bootstrap heading synchro to provide source of slaved heading information (see table below)
KI-525A models available that are capable of operating at either 30Hz or 400Hz (see table below)
KI-525A models available with glideslope needle damping for use in high vibration environments such as helicopter (see table below)
KI-525A can be operated at 14 or 28VDC
KI-525A models available for 5 volt operation
KA-51B and KI-525A models available with black or gray face (see table below)
KA-51B models available with horizontal or vertical mounting (see table below)
Internally lighted (KI-525A, KA-51B)
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